Bulk Trans­port

De Bruyn Trans­port oper­ates the largest fleet of bulk pneu­mat­ic and chem­i­cal tankers in Tas­ma­nia, both in B Dou­ble and sin­gle trail­er con­fig­u­ra­tions.

Our bulk trans­port divi­sion is involved in min­ing, con­struc­tion and agri­cul­ture, and we trans­port com­modi­ties such as cement, lime, min­er­al con­cen­trates, fer­tilis­er, stock­feed, grain and a range of chem­i­cals. Over the years, our com­pa­ny has car­ried out sev­er­al large min­ing projects on the West Coast of Tas­ma­nia, includ­ing the trans­port of 1.4 mil­lion tons of ore for the Helly­er Mine.