Min­ing Logstics

De Bruyn Trans­port has a rich her­itage in pro­vid­ing trans­port ser­vices to the Tas­man­ian Min­ing Indus­try. On April 1, 1965, we start­ed pro­vid­ing trans­port ser­vices for the Mount Lyell Min­ing and Rail­way Com­pa­ny and, lat­er that year, for the Reni­son Tin mine. 

We offer dai­ly ser­vices to each of the major Tas­man­ian mines pro­vid­ing for all the trans­port needs of the indus­try, from urgent deliv­er­ies via small rigids to full semi-trail­er loads. We have estab­lished our­selves as a One Stop Shop” to the min­ing indus­try, being a total ser­vice provider, incor­po­rat­ing supplier’s stock con­trol, stock order­ing, order pick­ing, and deliv­ery to actu­al mine oper­at­ing areas under­ground, includ­ing the trans­port of class 1 high explo­sives. We have an exten­sive range of equip­ment to ser­vice our min­ing client’s needs, includ­ing 6×6 trucks for under­ground deliv­er­ies and spe­cial­ist dan­ger­ous goods tanks.