
De Bruyn’s Trans­port oper­ates an exten­sive fleet of trucks to pro­vid­ed gen­er­al freight and overnight trans­port ser­vices around Tas­ma­nia.

We oper­ate from 4 strate­gic loca­tions in Burnie, Devon­port, Launce­s­ton and Hobart and have an exten­sive on-for­ward­ing net­work cov­er­ing most of Tas­ma­nia with our own fleet. Sophis­ti­cat­ed sys­tems and indus­try-lead­ing tech­nolo­gies sup­port our trans­port oper­a­tions so you can be con­fi­dent we can sat­is­fy your trans­port require­ments, no mat­ter the scale of the trans­port oper­a­tion and need. Our ser­vice offer­ing also includes 3PL and 4PL Warehousing.