Hum­ble Beginings

Oper­at­ing since 1965, we remain Tas­ma­nia & Fam­i­ly Owned.

De Bruyn’s Trans­port is a pri­vate­ly fam­i­ly-owned Tas­man­ian Com­pa­ny oper­at­ed by broth­ers John and Dirk, togeth­er with their cousin John. Cor­nelius de Bruyn, the great uncle of the present own­ers, estab­lished the Com­pa­ny in 1965.

The de Bruyn fam­i­ly has more than 100 years of trans­port her­itage which start­ed in 1910 when their great-great-grand­fa­ther pur­chased a 12-ton capac­i­ty boat with the help of his fam­i­ly to trans­port sand, grav­el, and heat­ing fuel to cus­tomers along the inland water­ways of Hol­land. The boat was green with red and white trims, the same colours that proud­ly define our brand today.

A Rich history

De Bruyn’s Trans­port has pro­vid­ed trans­port ser­vices for the West Coast min­ing indus­try for over 55 years. On April 1, 1965, the Com­pa­ny com­menced cart­ing for the Mount Lyell Min­ing and Rail­way Com­pa­ny and lat­er for the Reni­son Tin Mine. Today, De Bruyn’s Trans­port proud­ly con­tin­ues to pro­vide trans­port ser­vices to both these mines. How­ev­er, in 1990 the future of the West Coast min­ing indus­try looked bleak. Reni­son Tin and Mount Lyell Min­ing Co both planned to close their operations. 

These clo­sures did not even­tu­ate, but the fam­i­ly felt the need to diver­si­fy and not com­plete­ly rely on the West Coast min­ing indus­try. Today the West Coast min­ing indus­try is still an impor­tant part of the busi­ness. The com­pa­ny is also heav­i­ly involved in gen­er­al trans­port, freight for­ward­ing, stor­age and dis­tri­b­u­tion, waste man­age­ment, and bulk cartage. This diver­si­fi­ca­tion has also led to depots in Launce­s­ton, Hobart, Devon­port, and now Melbourne. 

Bass Strait Transport

In July of 2019, DBT acquired Bass Strait Trans­port. The acqui­si­tion led to a move from Lorimer Street in Port Mel­bourne to an upgrad­ed ware­house in Toll Dri­ve, Altona – a ded­i­cat­ed trans­port ter­mi­nal with 8,000 square metres under roof to han­dle freight and load­ing trail­ers and con­tain­ers des­tined for Tasmania. 

De Bruyn’s Trans­port along­side Bass Strait Trans­port offers a well-inte­grat­ed Trans Bass Freight Ser­vice, serv­ing mul­ti­ple cus­tomers on the main­land and in Tas­ma­nia. With these busi­ness­es togeth­er, we offer fast and effi­cient trans­port solu­tions between the main­land and Tasmania.