About our capabilities

De Bruyn’s Trans­port cur­rent­ly has a work­force of over 300 peo­ple, a fleet of around 150 trucks, over 300 trail­ers, and oth­er spe­cial­ized equipment.

The Com­pa­ny is com­mit­ted to main­tain­ing a mod­ern and effi­cient fleet of equip­ment to ensure it pro­vides a reli­able, cost-effec­tive, and envi­ron­men­tal­ly sus­tain­able ser­vice to its cus­tomers. The com­mit­ment to offer­ing inno­v­a­tive solu­tions and a qual­i­ty per­son­al ser­vice has assist­ed the Com­pa­ny in con­tin­u­ing to improve its com­pet­i­tive posi­tion and become one of the lead­ing providers of logis­tics and trans­port services.

What We Do


De Bruyn’s Transport operates an extensive fleet of trucks to provided general freight and overnight transport services around Tasmania.

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Bulk Transport

De Bruyn's Trans­port oper­ates the largest fleet of bulk pneu­mat­ic and chem­i­cal tankers in Tas­ma­nia.

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Bulk Transport

Freight Forwarding

De Bruyn’s Transport operates a freight forwarding business under the Bass Strait Transport brand.

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Freight Forwarding

Dangerous Goods

De Bruyn's is a ful­ly DG-licensed trans­port com­pa­ny, that ensures the safe trans­porta­tion of Dangerous goods in Tas­ma­nia and across the Bass Strait.

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Dangerous Goods


De Bruyn's Transport is one of the leading providers of transport services for the aquaculture industry within Tasmania.


Mining Logistics

De Bruyn's Transport has a rich heritage in providing Mining Logistics transport services within Tasmania.

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Mining Logistics


De Bruyn’s Trans­port oper­ates its own main­te­nance depart­ment. We have mod­ern work­shop facil­i­ties in both Burnie and Devon­port, where we car­ry out sched­uled ser­vice work and every main­te­nance aspect for our diverse fleet of equipment. 

Our high­ly qual­i­fied team of 17 mechan­i­cal staff con­sists of qual­i­fied mechan­ics, boil­er­mak­ers, and appren­tices. Our team is fac­to­ry trained and has the lat­est diag­nos­tic equip­ment at their dis­pos­al to ensure we run a safe and reli­able fleet of equip­ment to ser­vice our clients.